The Open Road
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The Open Road

Driving AppsDistracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents and traffic citations on the road today.  Whether it be talking on your cell phone, texting, or answering emails, each of these actions takes your eyes off the road and puts you, your vehicle, and other drivers in danger. Luckily, there are several mobile applications to help curb distracted drivers.

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How to avoid a traffic ticketNobody wants to be pulled over by a police officer. Even more, no one enjoys receiving a traffic ticket, especially if you are on a car rental vacation. Whether you're driving on a highway, down a rural road, or on busy city streets, it's important to remember the police are there for your protection, and for the protection of others on the road. So don't be foolish – drive smart!

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Illegal DrivingRemove your blindfold before driving, no driving on the roads, and no horn honking where sandwiches are present. They might seem ludicrous, but across North America, there are some unusual road rules that could land you a ticket if you don't obey them.

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ABS brakes and your car rentalWhen you need to stop in a hurry, ABS brakes are one of the automotive industries best innovations. ABS, also known as an anti-lock braking system, helps your vehicle avoid skidding when you apply the brakes. By avoiding the lock of your wheels, and allowing your wheels to maintain interactive traction with the road, ABS brakes are known to improve control while stopping.

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