The Open Road
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The Open Road

Car Tunnel SafetyDo you want to know the most important rule for driving in tunnels? Simply follow the normal rules of the road. Many locations across North America are filled with short and long tunnels that pass through mountains and under rivers. Although tunnels can be stressful for a first time car rental customer, they don’t need to be.

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Parallel ParkingParallel parking is often one of the most difficult driving skills to master. It takes time, patience, and confidence. Unfortunately, when driving a car rental vehicle in a busy city like New York, Miami, Los Angeles, or Toronto, parallel parking may be your only option, especially when frequenting a busy downtown area.

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Off Road DrivingWhen most people think of off-roading, they envision an old clunker, covered in mud, flying over hills, and eventually getting stuck. However, off-roading doesn't need to be nearly as messy, dangerous, or costly, especially if you're using a car rental or SUV rental vehicle. In fact, if done correctly, on well-known terrain, off-roading can be safe and fun.

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Driver AnxietyDriving can be a scary experience. In fact, most people (whether they admit it or not) experience a twinge of fear when behind the wheel. This slight feeling of discomfort is perfectly normal; it's nature's way of heightening your response systems so that you are alert and focused when on the roadway.

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